Category: Uncategorized

  • Food pics

    Just wanted to post these good-looking food pics. I used pre-made ingredients so I won’t be adding them to Recipies tab. Chilli con carne Protein pancakes with M&M’s The cat

  • New subdomain

    Hello,I have added new subdomain for a wikipedia-style posts and tips. But you need to be logged in to access it…

  • Book reviews are up to date!

    Today I have added new page – Book reviews where I add my thoughts on books I have read (duh) whether they are new to me or old. I have a lot of books so in time that page should have a lot of content.In the mean time, you can grab another picture of my…

  • Cooking recipies – live now

    Today I have finished adding my cooking recipies so the page is up to date. I’ve also noticed that I’ve been using “Food recipies” instead of “Cooking recipies” throughout my 3 different websites which is weird that I haven’t noticed it sooner.Anyway, here is a picture of my cat playing with tall grass.

  • Third time’s a charm

    This is (I think) my third attempt at creating and maintaing a website and I have high hopes it will work out this time.Today I have managed to install a WordPress on my hosting account and copy-paste few recipies. In the following days I plan to recreate my whole website and them create more content…